We have a passion for improving little lives
Futures filled with hope & joy
What joy it is to make a positive difference to the life of a child. We invite you to join our privileged family. If nothing else share in our success stories, and if you are unable to donate, please pass on our story to highlight that there is a group of people making the world of difference to those who need it most.
Scan here to donate with Zapper!

Our Story & Commitment
We are proud of our story & commitment to the needs of children through the Greater Gauteng area.
The reality is that the need is massive, an enormous challenge, but we choose to celebrate the victories. Please celebrate with us.
Join our community of professionals & volunteers
We would love to have you on board, be it with a donation, by getting involved or simply by raising awareness of our most urgent needs. Join our Volunteer Program and discover how can make a difference.
Building on our success & providing hope for the future
We love to showcase our generous donors, sponsors & highlight where your much appreciated money & time is being utilised. For a comprehensive list of our success stories & sponsors, please visit our ‘Projects‘ section.
Latest News & Events
Dr Noxolo Mashavave receives first ever Inaugural Surgeons for Little Lives Research Award
Dr Noxolo Mashavave, a Medical Registrar in her final year was the first recipient of the inaugural Surgeons for Little Lives Research award for the best publication from an emerging research award during the event on the 20th October 2021.
Blanket Drive by Sara Perez
Sara’s birthday collection makes a huge difference in peoples lives.
We have been nominated as “Sponsors of Brave – Jerome Loveland”
Please distribute widely and encourage other friends/colleagues/family to vote. An amount of R25 000 will be donated to the winners’ charity of choice.
Joberg2c 2020
We urge you to join our SFLL Team, have loads of fun and go home inspired!
Bara Festive Cycle Ride 2019
The Bara Festive Cycle Ride was a huge success. Thank you to all the riders and volunteers that supported us, we really appreciate it!
Off to Bara we go!
Join us for a ride to Bara! Show your bike some love by dressing it up in Christmas cheer gear.
Highlight ~ Celebrating 100 Years of Mandela’s Legacy
Mandela Day 2019
This is how Surgeons for Little Lives celebrated Mandela day 2019 #67minutes.
Little Green Beverages
Little Green Beverages donated 600 X 500ml drinks for patients to enjoy on Mandela day.
The Office of the Chief Rabbi
Office of the Chief Rabbi arranged 60 scholars from the Yeshiva College of SA to come out and host our patients, they played games with them, handed out gift packs and were very nice to their parents too.
M&D Construction
Fantastic toy drive by M&D to fill up our playroom/library. We would like the thank all the staff that put in the hard work!